Wednesday 25 May 2011

Story About Biggest Losser Winner

Nowadays, people in the world get new disease and actually this disease had been seen attack people long ago. That disease is overweight or obesity. Overweight person easy to get another disease because of their immunisation getting weak. The number of overweight people keep increasing by day to another. Many way had been introduced to overcome this disease. One of them is the Biggest Loser show.
The Biggest Loser show logo

The Biggest Loser show is a television show broadcast in many countries. Their contestants must be overweight and this show as the place where their contestants compete themselves to lose the most weight to win the prizes. Every country have their way to organize this show but the winner still have same criteria which is have the biggest loser of their weight.

In this entry, i want to share the story about the winner of The Biggest Loser show. One of them is Emma Duncan.

Emma Duncan before and after

In The Biggest Loser version Australia, Emma Duncan who is former model became the second female winner. 25 years old women from Newcastle had success to decrease her weight about 62.1kg. She became The Biggest Loser contestant with 133.9kg and at end of show, her weight is 71.8kg. She losing about 46.38 percent of her actual weight. She won $100,000 from this competition.

Olivia Ward before and after
Olivia Ward, opera singer became the winner of The Biggest Loser season 11. 35 years old women started as contestant with 118.6kg (261 pounds) as actual weight. After eight month join this show, she success to shed her weight about 58.6kg (129 pounds).  On last Tuesday, which at the end of The Biggest Loser show, she weighed in at 60kg (132 pounds). She won about $250000 when she get title as the winner of The Biggest Loser season 11

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